HALE - Wor Corp

Office 149, 450 South Brand Brooklyn

San Diego County, CA 91905, USA

+1 (123) 456 7891, +44 (876) 543 2198

INVOICE #86423

Date Issues: April 25, 2021
Date Due: May 25, 2021

Invoice To:

Thomas shelby

Shelby Company Limited

Small Heath, B10 0HF, UK



Bill To:
Total Due: $12,110.55
Bank name: American Bank
Country: United States
IBAN: ETD95476213874685
SWIFT code: BR91905
Item Description Cost Qty Price
HALE - Wor Corp Admin Template HTML Admin Template $32 1 $32.00
Frest Admin Template Angular Admin Template $22 1 $22.00
Apex Admin Template HTML Admin Template $17 2 $34.00
Robust Admin Template React Admin Template $66 1 $66.00

Salesperson: Alfie Solomons

Thanks for your business









Note: It was a pleasure working with you and your team. We hope you will keep us in mind for future freelance projects. Thank You!