Blow Hot Blow Cold

~ Reveal . Rebel . Rejoice . Coz it’s you vs you! ~


Blow hot blow cold, (also known as Block & Tackle) is a break from the conventional form of debating. Here, you need to speak both for and against the topic. You start off with “tackle” i.e., speaking ‘for’ the topic for about 1 minute and then you “block”, i.e., you need to reverse your stance and speak ‘against’ it for another 1 minute.


  • 1. Is it appropriate to allow students to create their own curricula?

  • 2. Is development in technology making people smarter?

  • 3. Should IPL 2021 continue in this time of crisis?

  • Rules & Regulations

    • ● Participants are expected to speak “for” and “against” the chosen topic and send the recorded audio to us in a playable format.

    • ● It is an individual event

    • Arrangement

    • One Minute(For)

    • One Minute (Against)

    • Total Three Minutes (Maximum)

    • ● Participants are requested to send the audio file to the mail ID mentioned below on or before 24/06/2021. Responses sent after 24th June will not be validated.

    • ● Participants who bag the first three places will receive elite certificates.


    For Further Queries Contact :

    Charanya S : +91 9445931895

    E-Mail :